Sore Throat Test and Treat

Our teams are professionally trained to provide you with the highest standard of treatments and services, so every time you visit, you leave with a positive experience.

What is the Sore Throat Test and Treat service? 

If you are experiencing uncomfortable symptoms, due to an irritation or pain in your throat, the Sore Throat Test and Treat service will help you to receive appropriate treatment early on.  

Only available at certain pharmacies across Wales, pharmacists will advise you on the best medicines and remedies suitable to your symptoms and if needed, provide you with a swab test for an analysis of your condition. 


Who can access the Sore Throat Test and Treat service? 

It is always best to speak to a pharmacist offering this service, for their guidance on whether the Sore Throat Test and Treat service is right for you. There is an exception criterion for this service, so those who may need to find health support elsewhere are: 

  • Children aged 6 and under 
  • Individuals with persistent symptoms that haven’t improved after a week 
  • Individuals with a weak immune system 
  • Individuals with a high temperature despite taking paracetamol and ibuprofen  
  • Individuals with specific medical conditions 
  • Individuals who have experienced this condition five or more times in the past year 

However, besides this list of people, most individuals who are undergoing sore throat symptoms are suitable for the Sore Throat Test and Treat service. But those who meet the exception criteria will most likely be referred to their GP. 


What will happen when I visit my pharmacy? 

When you visit an Allied Pharmacy for this service, a pharmacist will speak to you in our private consultation room. There they will ask you questions based on your condition and determine if a throat swab is needed in your case.  

From asking questions and listening to the information you provide; the pharmacist will be able to tell if your sore throat is likely a viral infection. In this case, a swab test will not be necessary. Yet, if the pharmacist feels you need a swab test, a test will be taken, and results will be given during your visit. 

If the test shows a positive (meaning your sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection) the appropriate options of medication will be recommended to you. 


Do I need to pay for this service? 

The Sore Throat Test and Treat service is a free NHS service. However, if treatment is recommended, payment will be required for purchase. 


How can a pharmacist help? 

A pharmacist can provide extended support outside of the Sore Throat Test and Treat service. If a pharmacist determines your illness is a more serious condition (based on your private consultation), they will refer you to visit your GP.  

The Sore Throat Test and Treat service is based on your health needs. Advice and treatment from a pharmacist are entirely suited to your personal recovery. 


Where can I access the Sore Throat Test and Treat service? 

You can find an Allied Pharmacy that provides this scheme by entering your postcode above. This will give you a list of nearby pharmacies with their addresses and opening hours. 

You can also look for an Allied Pharmacy here where you will find contact details such as a phone number, email address and directions. This will enable you to contact your local pharmacy for queries or information regarding our Sore Throat Test and Treat service and more. 


Sore Throat Test and Treat FAQ’s

What is the throat swab like?
This test consists of a cotton-tipped swab used to get a sample of the back of your throat to test if your condition is bacterial or viral. The test is very quick and pain-free.
If you are required to have a throat swab, your results will typically show and be given to you just after a few minutes. The pharmacist will then discuss the right form of medication for you depending on if your sore throat is bacterial or viral.
If your sore throat continues to persist, we recommend you either come back to the pharmacy for a further consultation or book an appointment to see your GP.

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