Needle Exchange

Our teams are professionally trained to provide you with the highest standard of treatments and services, so every time you visit, you leave with a positive experience.

What is the Needle Exchange service? 

Most Allied Pharmacies offer the Needle Exchange service – otherwise known as Needle and Syringe Exchange. This name originates from the purpose of the scheme which is to provide sterile injectables and offer advice/support to service users. 


What are the benefits of the Needle Exchange service? 

This service is only accessible to those who are injecting illicit drugs. Listed below are some reasons as to why you should access our Needle Exchange service at Allied Pharmacies:  

  • Safer injection methods can be taught 
  • Guidance on how to treat wounds from injecting medications 
  • Advice on how to avoid infections and reduce the spread of blood borne viruses 
  • Receive a sharps bin each time you visit and be encouraged to use it 

Further information and advice are available within this service, including the prevention of drug-related death and the avoidance of drug overdose. 


What equipment is available? 

The equipment provided with this service is free of charge, as its aim is to assist in eliminating the misuse of drug exchange and enhance safety.  

When you access the Needle Exchange service, an available pharmacist will be able to match the right equipment for you according to the medical information you provide, such as: 

  • Needles (pins) 
  • Syringes (barrels)  
  • Spoons (cookers)  
  • Swabs 
  • Citric or vitamin C 
  • Filters 
  • Foils  
  • Bins  


Why is the Needle Exchange service needed? 

Reckless drug injection can lead to a variety of detrimental side effects, such as:  

  • Bacterial and viral infections 

This could potentially lead to a high fever, intense pain, and inflammation. 

  • Wounds 

This may result in painful abscesses, ulcers, and damage to the veins. 

  • Blood borne viruses 

The transmission of either three BBV’s could include hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. 

  • Injuries  

Unfortunately, this could bring about critical conditions like sepsis, gangrene, amputation, and potentially fatal outcomes. 


How can a pharmacist help? 

At Allied Pharmacies, our pharmacists can assist in providing you with new and sterile equipment as well as being a location for you to dispose of NX sharps. Furthermore, as this service is FREE and does not require the need for an appointment, professional help and advice is instantly available. 


How can I access this service? 

You can find an Allied Pharmacy that provides this service by entering your postcode above. This will give you with a list of nearby pharmacies with their addresses and opening hours. 

You can also look for an Allied Pharmacy here, where you will find contact details such as a phone number, email address and directions. This will enable you to contact your local pharmacy for any queries or information regarding our Needle Exchange service and more. 


Needle Exchange FAQ’s

How can I stop my drug problem?
We can signpost treatment options at alternative services to support users overcoming their addiction. For example, talking therapy such as CBT, accessing substitution medication and joining support groups etc. are good steps to achieve this goal.
We recognise there are many parents, partners, children, carers and friends affected by their loved one who is using or working towards coming off illicit drugs. There are many support systems available to family and friends such as helplines and support groups.
This service and your privacy are confidential and respected. Our pharmacists and branches are a non-judgmental space for you to enter and receive support in reducing the risks of reckless drug injection and its detrimental side effects.
Some visible signs someone may be overdosing are: small pupils of their eyes, the inability to speak, vomit, they are pale and clammy, lips and fingernails have a bluish or greyish tinge, slow, shallow, irregular or lack of breathing, they are making a loud noise when breathing or choking sounds. If you suspect someone is experiencing these symptoms immediately ring 999.

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