Is Popping Spots a Good Thing?
Spot popping is common for those with acne. Treatment and safe skincare can boost recovery from acne and reduce the urge to pop pimples. Learn pharmacist-approved ways to manage your acne.
Written by Olivia Marshall
Fighting the urge to squeeze a spot can be a constant battle. As the pain, the size and redness from spots can drive those who suffer with acne mad.
However, bursting a spot away can lead to many issues. Just to name a few:
Yet despite this, many still fall victim to the tempting offer to pop. So, here is what you need to know before you squeeze!
Many healthcare workers, like pharmacists, can advise and recommend appropriate help and treatment based on the condition of your skin. At Allied Pharmacies, we offer this as part of our skincare services, helping individuals boost their confidence and recover from acne.
As well as purchasing over-the-counter, pharmacist-approved creams, you can also visit us to pick up your acne-prescribed medicines/treatments.
Besides applying treatment correctly, the secret to breaking out of this habit is patience and persistence. Unfortunately, treating acne is not an overnight fix... sorry!
Anyone who suffers from acne can experience a roller-coaster of emotions. The road to recovery can be long, frustrating and unpredictable.
In addition, some individuals experience frustration with acne. As for some, it is during the times when their spots feel under control, a party of uninvited breakouts emerge on the skin! And at that time, all the energy and care given, suddenly seems a waste.
Unfortunately, exercise is not a cure for acne but can alleviate one’s frustration and stress by releasing endorphins.
A short jog, yoga class, stretch or hike can be a great way to exercise. But it is important to note that before you start your exercise routine you ensure your hair is tied back (if needed) and all makeup is removed.
This is because when hair follicles (tiny holes in the skin) become blocked, this causes acne. In addition to these preventative measures, it is important to shower after exercising - to avoid the likes of sweat clogging up your hair follicles.
After a long, tiresome day there's nothing better than standing under a hot shower.
But for those with acne, this is only a fleeting thought.
Hot and cold water can worsen acne, as exposing affected skin to extreme temperatures can cause dryness or irritation.
Therefore the perfect temperature to cleanse and rinse the skin with is lukewarm water. This is because the temperature of lukewarm water is warm enough to destroy bacteria and remove excess oil and debris from the skin.
However, this doesn’t mean you should rinse your face with lukewarm water every time you feel the urge to squeeze. As frequently, washing your face too often can also worsen acne.
A good balance is cleansing the skin twice a day with lukewarm water.
Overtime the benefits of this will reap in a removal of impurities from the skin and a visual improvement of the skin.
In addition to acne support, some of our branches offer further skincare services. This includes:
If you are experiencing acne or symptoms related to these above services, then pop into your local Allied Pharmacy for treatment. It is important you always consult with a healthcare professional before you use new treatment for your acne.