4 Health Goals to Set Yourself
Make a New Year’s resolution focused on improving your health, fitness and mental health. Discover motivating goals to spark the achievement of a balanced, healthier lifestyle.
Written by Olivia Marshall
Did you know that 62% of New Year's resolutions are health-focused?
As many celebrate the 31st of December by watching bursts of illuminating lights in the sky or bantering with family & friends, some are creating goals of bigger and better things.
If you’re aiming for better things to come, then this blog is for you! Find four health goals you can set for yourself this new year!
How many of us spend an extra minute or two taking notice of what we put into our trolleys- our mouths?
An easy rule of thumb when it comes to nutrition, is checking the colour codes on food labels.
The benefit of being nutrition-conscious is having a well-balanced diet. A well-balanced diet boosts your immune system, protects your body from long-term health complications and maintains a healthy weight etc.
So, the next time you nip out for a block of cheese you missed off your shopping list (let’s say), have a quick glance at the food label.
Usually, found on the front of the packaging, you will see a label colour coding the energy, fats, saturated fats, sugars and salts contained within the food. These are graded in either a red (high), amber (medium) and green (low) colour.
To improve your health in a simple and non-disruptive way, consciously consume more green colour coded foods.
5 a Day is a celebrity in the world of health and well-being. This is because everyone has heard or read about the need to include a variety of fruits and vegetables, in their daily diet. And here is why!
The benefit of fruits and vegetables is their vitamins and minerals. The vitamins and minerals found within these foods, protect the body from serious health conditions like heart disease and cancer. Additionally, fruit and vegetables offer a source of dietary fibre which avoids the likes of constipation and digestion problems occurring. This is because the fibre maintains a healthy gut!
The list truly goes on as to why everyone should rave about having 5 a Day, but as we get older, breaking from well-established eating habits can be hard!
So, how can you easily slot 5 a day into your life?
For an adult, one portion of fruit and vegetables is the same as 80g. Putting this number into perspective, roughly one apple equates to 70-100g. But this isn’t a sign to have five apples a day.
Rather you can use this as a guideline when re-evaluating your diet and managing this popular goal.
To start, or to exercise is a common new year resolution many aim to achieve. However, finding time between working, the school run, up keeping a home, looking after a family, maintaining relationships and more can feel impossible.
But working out doesn’t need to be as time-consuming and expensive as some assume. In fact, adults are encouraged to spend 75 minutes a week completing intense exercise. If you do the maths, this equals to 10 minutes a day!
Completing 10 minutes of short, intense exercise daily can offer many benefits. Not only does it improve mental health, but it also reduces risks to your physical health like early death (by 30%), falls, type 2 diabetes and cancer.
So, using the likes of a good ol’ fashioned book or the internet can be a great start to research 10 minutes of intense activity. We would recommend:
Whatever works for you, you want to find exercises that cause you to breathe hard and fast. This form of exercise will also cause you to struggle to speak and need to take a breath. So, ensure you have a water bottle on hand when you exercise.
Do you drink 6 to 8 cups of water a day?
According to a poll conducted in 2021, only 23% of Brits manage between one or two glasses of water a day!
For some, water can be distasteful. However, there are various remedies out there to help you achieve the aim of 6-8 cups a day. The classics are popping a slice of lemon or purchasing an overpriced bottle with an inconvenient straw.
Whatever helps!
Not drinking the right amount of fluids can cause dehydration, which can lead to a spiral of health complications. Therefore, to make sure you reach this goal, drinking other fluids like lower-fat milk, tea and coffee can contribute to the recommended amount of cups per day.